(497) Tsukuba Rose Garden (2)

文字数 1,411文字

I’ll continue my rose-viewing tour at Tsukuba Rose Garden.

① This bench is wide and stable.

② You can see some crimson roses in the background.

③ I am on a round chair. The white roses are beautiful.

④ To the left of the statue is an open space.

⑤ The statue is in an arch of deep pink roses.

⑥ This is a close-up photo of the statue.

⑦ This is a tunnel of deep pink roses.

⑧ The pastel pink roses are cute.

⑨ As I walked through the garden, I found myself surrounded by roses.

⑩ There are a table and some chairs under a big tree. I'm on Mom's lap.

⑪ I am on the table.

⑫ Next to the table is a stone statue surrounded by pink roses.

⑬ This is the view from the table.

⑭ I found another chair. The yellow flowers are Euphorbia.

⑮ I'll head towards the reception desk.

⑯ Some clematis are blooming near the reception desk. Now I'll pass the desk and head towards the east garden.

⑰ I've arrived at the east garden.

⑱ This is a lovely white chair.

⑲ Wow! There are some mysterious trees over there.

⑳ The mysterious trees are named "smoke trees".

㉑ Roses are more beautiful than smoke trees, aren't they?

㉒ These white flowers are Orlaya (Orlaya White Lace), which are often used in combination with roses.

㉓ I'll leave the east garden and return to the exit. The photo shows the rose tunnel on the way.

㉔ I hadn't noticed it before, but there is a smoke tree on my usual walking route.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み