(329) a dinosaur park

文字数 1,710文字

"Rest Stop Joso (道の駅 常総)" opened on April 28th.

It is near Sakano Gardens (see chapter 324).

It's been a month and a half since it opened, so we thought it wouldn't be crowded anymore. That's why we planned to stop by Rest Stop Joso and have lunch on the way back from "Yasaka Park",

Yasaka Park in Bando City has dinosaur models.

Parks with dinosaur models in Ibaraki Prefecture are as follows:
・Mito Forest Park (Mito City, 14 models)
・Yasaka Park (Bando City, 4 models)
・ Komaki Itamine Park (Namegata City, 2 models)
・ Hill Park of Light and Wind (Miho Village, 1 model)

When we arrived there, to our regret, we found that dogs were not allowed to enter. (´;ω;`)
However, since it was something that we couldn't experience anywhere else, we wouldn't give up. While being held by Mom, I managed to see the dinosaurs.

Unfortunately, Rest Stop Joso was very crowded due to an event, and we couldn't park our car, so we skipped the Rest Stop and returned home.

What an unlucky day!!

① We've arrived at the Dinosaur Park.

② This is a Triceratops.

③ I’m in front of the Triceratops.

④ I’m in front of the Triceratops.

⑤ This is an Apatosaurus.

⑥ I’m in front of the Triceratops and Apatosaurus.

⑦ This is a Tyrannosaurus.

⑧ I’m in front of the Tyrannosaurus and Apatosaurus.

⑨ This is a Dimetrodon.

⑩ I’m in front of the Dimetrodon.

⑪ After leaving the dinosaur park, we headed to Rest Stop Joso.

⑫ P.S. This is a photo Dad took a while ago. I’m in front of the Diplodocus at Hill of Light and Wind Park in Miho Village. This place is dog friendly.

⑬ P.S. This is a close-up photo in front of the Diplodocus.

⑭ P.S. This is a company that makes dinosaur signboards near Fuse Kannon.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み