(385) Merci’s Zoo (1)  

文字数 1,443文字

In my diary, there are several articles that I have drafted but haven’t posted.
“Merci's Zoo'' is one of them.

“Merci's Zoo'' is a project where I post my photos with animals.

As you know, dogs cannot enter zoos, so I’ll post some photos of me with animal sculptures in this chapter.

The difficult part of this project is that it is hard to find animal sculptures.

However, recently something happened that solved this problem all at once.
As part of "Tsukuba Art & Design Street 2023", Event I "Animals Born from Earth and Fire - Animal Exhibition Made of Terracotta" is being exhibited at Takezono Park from August 28th to November 1st.

This time too, the only explanation of the artwork is the creator's name and the work's name on the label attached to the work.

① SAWABE Hiroko: Pompoko racoon dog Jizo (ぽんぽこたぬきのお地蔵様)

② SEJIMA Natsuki: Dreaming swan (夢見る白鳥)

③ SEJIMA Natsuki: Dreaming swan (夢見る白鳥)

④ MITSUHAYASHI Hinako: Rebirth (再誕)

⑤ Canpos Andres Ceronimo: Chiguiro (チグイロ)

⑥ NAKAMURA Kaito: Floating duck (漂う鴨)

⑦ ITO Tsugumi: Fluffy (ふかふか)

⑧ ITO Tsugumi: Fluffy (ふかふか)

⑨ KANEDA Miki : PANDA (ぱんだ)

⑩ NAKAMURA Hekiru: Mogura(もぐら)

⑪ NAKAMURA Haruka: Rezo(Re造) 

⑫ SHURILLA Kokori: Splashing Penguin (ペンギンクウン)

⑬ NAITO Chihiro : Our friend

⑭ MACHINO Sakyo: Matsusaka (ふるさと)

⑮ KITAHARA Tomoka: Sleep tight, Bakkun (おやすみぱっくん)

⑯ Now we’ve come full circle.

⑰ I’ll say goodbye to the sheep and go home.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み