(475)  Sakura along Fukuoka Zeki (1)

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I previously introduced the cherry blossoms at Fukuoka Zeki (weir) in chapter 301 and 302.

Fukuoka Zeki is the best cherry blossom viewing spot in southern Ibaraki Prefecture.

Although these blossoms are called "cherry blossoms along Fukuoka Zeki," they actually refer to the cherry blossoms on the Kokai River embankment along the Nedori Channel (根通用水路).

Agricultural water taken at the Fukuoka Zeki flows through the 1.6km Nedori Channel along the Kokai River(小貝川), and is divided into the Kawadori Channel (川通用水路) and the Daidori Channel(台通用水路). At this time, excess water returns to the Kokai River through the Nizaemon Spillway (仁左衛門余水吐).

In other words, between the Fukuoka Weir and the Nizaemon Spillway, there is a 1.6km Nedori Channel, and the cherry blossoms on the embankment along this channel are called “Fukuoka Zeki cherry blossoms.''

The line of cherry blossom trees is 1.6km long, and I had never walked the entire length before.
Therefore, in April 2024, we attempted to walk the entire route in two parts.

Sakura Bridge is located approximately in the center of the 1.6km long line of cherry blossom trees.

So, on the first day, Dad parked the car near the Nizaemon Spillway and we walked all the way to Sakura Bridge.

On the second day, Dad parked the car near Sakura Bridge and walked to Fukuoka Zeki Sakura Park.

① These are the cherry blossoms seen from the parking lot. The green fence is the Nizaemon Spillway.

② We started our walk from the top of the embankment.

③ I'm passing over the Nizaemon Spillway.

④ You can see the channel where excess water returns to the Kokai River.

⑤ The cherry blossom tunnel is now visible.

⑥ I’ll continue to walk.

⑦ I’ll continue to walk.

⑧ The cherry blossoms are reflected on the water.

⑨ I'm taking a break under a cherry blossom tree.

⑩ The cherry blossoms are reflected beautifully on the water surface.

⑪ Dad took a commemorative photo of me.

⑫ Cherry blossoms can be seen on both sides of the waterway.

⑬ Dad took another commemorative photo.

⑭ The grass field is visible to the left of the cherry blossom tunnel.

⑮ We'll take a walk towards the grass fielde.

⑯ We've arrived in front of the grass field.

⑰ Some dogs are also resting on the grass.

⑱ This is the scenery of the field. The weeping cherry tree on the left has not yet bloomed.

⑲ It's just a short distance to Sakura Bridge.

⑳ There are canola blossoms on both banks of the Kokai River.

㉑ I'm in front of the canola blossoms.

㉒ Sakura Bridge has come into view.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み