(252)  Road to the Future 

文字数 2,305文字

In March 2015, as part of the 50th anniversary project of Tsukuba Science City, the science monument "Road to the Future" was built in Chuo Park.

There have been some Nobel laureates who are related to Tsukuba City: Dr. Shinichiro Tomonaga (Nobel Prize in Physics) who served as the president of Tokyo University of Education (currently the University of Tsukuba), Dr. Leo Esaki (Nobel Prize in Physics) who served as the president of the University of Tsukuba, Dr. Hideki Shirakawa (Nobel Prize in Chemistry) who served as a professor at the University of Tsukuba, and Dr. Makoto Kobayashi, Professor Emeritus of the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (Nobel Prize in Physics).

In "Road to the Future", there are bronze statues of Dr. Shinichiro Tomonaga and Dr. Leona Esaki and a relief panel of Dr. Makoto Kobayashi. Maple trees are planted around the bronze statues, making it the best maple viewing spot in Chuo Park.

Since there is no memorial of Dr. Shirakawa, I think he declined an offer to be included.

There were a lot of stairs on the "Road to the Future", and it was a bit difficult to walk, but I persevered.

①This is "Road to the Future" seen from inside Chuo Park. You can see the bronze statue of a girl and Dr. Leona Esaki on the left, and the statue of Dr. Shinichiro Tomonaga on the right. You can see the bus station in the center background.

②I'm barking at the bronze statue of Dr. Leona Esaki, who I met for the first time.

③ I realized it was a bronze statue, so I stopped barking.

④ I'm passing in front of the statue.

⑤ I'm walking in front of the statue.

⑥ I'm on the fallen maple leaves behind the statue.

⑦ I'm in front of the bronze statue of Dr. Shinichiro Tomonaga and his pet cat.

⑧ I'm curious about the tail of his pet cat.

⑨ I'm imitating the pose of his beloved cat.

⑩ This is the description of the "Future Pedestal": "This pedestal is for the future of Nobel Prize winners and those of you who are active in the world. Please stand on this pedestal, imagine your future, and embrace your dreams and hopes.”

⑪ I’m standing on the "pedestal of the future". “What kind of dream do you have?'' “Well, I have a dream of living a long and healthy life.''





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み