(370)  Kasumigaura City History Museum 

文字数 1,545文字

There used to be many castles in Ibaraki prefecture, but now there are no remaining castles with castle towers. The buildings that represent castle towers in concrete include the Joso City Regional Exchange Center (Toyota Castle) and the History Museum in Kasumigaura City.

The Kasumigaura City History Museum opened in 1987 as the Dejima Village Local Museum, with a four-story castle-style museum, Otemon gate (the front gate), and Japanese garden.

This time, I went there with a tiara.

I had thought that if I put on a tiara and had my pictures taken with the castle tower in the background, I could get a photo that makes me feel like a princess. But it didn't work out.

When I turn to the side, you can clearly see the tiara. However, when I look straight ahead, the tiara is half invisible.

① We’ve arrived at the Kasumigaura City History Museum.

② When I turn to the side, you can clearly see the tiara.

③ When I'm facing the front, it looks like there are 4 hairs sticking up from my head.

④ When I turn to the side, I look like a princess.

⑤ When I face the front, you can barely see the tiara on my head.

⑥ When I turn a little sideways, you can see a little bit of my tiara.

⑦ You can see the tiara clearly in my profile view.

⑧ After taking off my tiara, I’m walking in front of the main gate.

⑨ I’m passing through the main gate.

⑩ There is a big crocodile statue next to the parking lot.

⑪ I tried riding it.

⑫ I am happy to ride it.

⑬ A hobikisen (sailboat) is preserved in the museum.

⑭ This is a description of the hobikisen (sailboat).





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み