(25) The piano chair is heaven!!

文字数 2,577文字

Mom has been playing the piano every evening since she retired. Ms. Merci loves Mommy.

I sometimes ask Mom to let me sit on the piano chair and listen to the piano while she is playing the piano. The height of the piano chair is about the length of my body, so I can't land on it even if I jump.

Besides, the chair is small. If I jumped on it, I could slip, fall, and get injured. Therefore, when I want to get on the piano chair, I stand on my two hind legs, put my front legs on the piano chair, and say, "I want to get on the chair." Then Mom pulls me up on the chair.

Mom sometimes lets me play the piano as well. That said, I can walk on the piano only when Mom is supporting me.

When you walk and press the keys, you will hear sounds in order. Having played the piano, I found out why Mom moves her fingers on the white piano keyboard that is a little uncomfortable to touch. Even if you touch the piano, your fingers don't feel good at all, but the sound that comes out when you press the keyboard feels good.

A long time ago, a physiologist named Ivan Pavlov repeated the experiment of feeding a dog after ringing a bell, and after all, just ringing the bell, the dog salivated. It was announced that this was a big discovery.
I think he's ridiculous because he concluded that dogs had no sense of music. In fact, dogs love nice sounds, even without food. It's horrifying just to think of the repeated sound of a dull bell.

I love the sound of the piano. When sitting on a piano chair with Mom, I think it would be nice if I could play the piano like a human.

After dinner, Dad takes me for a walk. Mom thinks it's better for my diet to eat and then take a walk than to take a walk and then eat. In the former case, we can take a walk at a cooler time.

But the summer evening walk is still too hot for me. You know, we dogs don't sweat. Instead, we let the heat escape through our mouths, so, when it gets hot, we keep our mouths open and our tongues out.

The other day, when we came back from our walk, Mom was just playing the piano. As usual, she put me on the piano chair. Then Mom came up with something wonderful. "Meru-chan looks hot and stressed. Yeah, I should use the electric fan."
This is great! Not only can I listen to music on the piano chair, but I can also cool myself with a fan, which is heaven.

Ms.Merci listening to the piano on the piano chair

The square chair is comfortable to sit on.

The wind of the electric fan is blowing on me.

Ms. Merci preparing to play the piano

Ms. Merci playing ”the Puppy Waltz”





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み