(19) My eyes are a little red lately

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Ms. Merci's eyes are a little big. Some people praise me for my round eyes. But looking at my face from above, some people say my eyes protrude a little.

I think there are many things that other people say about your appearance. But it's important to think that your thoughts and feelings will change depending on how you look at things.

In the case of humans, I hear that there are many people who undergo plastic surgery these days. Most women do make-up even though they don't have surgery. And recently, more and more men put on make-up.

Humans have their own ideal image and think their appearance should be such and such. I think it’s amazing.

Huh, you may say it’s natural. No way! It's wrong. In the case of a dog, it is the owner who decides its ideal appearance. Some owners like Bull-chan (Bulldogs), and some owners like Poo-chan (Poodles).

Some dogs are also dressed up and wear ribbons, but I’ve never heard about plastic surgery except for dogs who were injured in car accidents. I think that's because the owner chooses and keeps a dog with the ideal appearance.

When you go to the pet shop, you’ll find a dog in a cage, and the label shows the breed, birthday, weight, and vaccination record. Some dogs have a label written "Mix." In old-fashioned terms, It’s a “hybrid.”
I’m afraid “Mix” isn’t very popular. I think that's because dog breeds are created for their ideal appearance.
By the way, all human beings are hybrids. It is difficult for dogs to have the ideal appearance, and it is difficult for humans to approach the “ideal” appearance as well.

Now, let's get back to Ms. Merci's eyes. By now, Dad noticed Ms. Merci's eyes were red. So, Dad had the vet examine me, who gave me eye drops. When he put the eye drops in my eyes, I was surprised at first not knowing what was happening. But soon I got used to it . Eye drops just make my eyes a little cold.

Ms. Merci with red eyes playing with Rabbit

Ms. Merci with red eyes facing the front

Did my red eyes heal?
This pose is similar to Vermeer’s masterpiece "Girl with a Pearl Earring,"
isn’t it?





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