(175) I try outdoor obstacles (1)

文字数 1,286文字

Doho Park has 24 field athletic playsets, numbered 2 to 25.

There are many, so I thought there had to be something I could do, so I tried some.

By the way, where was No. 1? Did it break?

I guess that No. 1 is "warming up" and No. 26 is "cooling down".

Don't forget to do the preparatory exercise before doing field athletics.

There are a lot of obstacles here, but I can't hang on a rope, so I'll ignore this type.

I’ll post some photos in three parts in numerical order.

No. 2: [jumping on a tree stump] It's boring to ride on a tree stump, so I walked past them.

No. 3: [Abdominal muscle log] My feet don’t reach the center log.

No. 4: [Hornworm moving forward] This is an obstacle where you must pass under a log on all fours like a hornworm. Luckily, I can pass under it naturally.

No. 4: [Hornworm moving forward] I pass under the log at full speed. I'm a record setter.

No. 6: [Going up and down logs] I climbed the first log. The second one is tall and difficult to climb.

No. 6: [Going up and down logs] I don't proceed to the second log. I'm still playing on the first log.

No. 15: [Rabbit jumping] This is an obstacle in which you have to jump over the logs without touching them.

No. 15: [Rabbit jumping] I started the rabbit jumping.





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  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
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