(260) I am a hot dog!?   

文字数 1,430文字

In winter, it is very cold when we take a walk in the morning.

I'm small, so compared to medium and large dogs, I’m weaker against cold.

Mom always takes me for a walk early in the morning, and she uses a disposable heating pad (ホッカイロ) on cold days.

It was a very cold morning, when Mom hit on a great idea: a disposable heating pad can keep me warm even on cold days.
Immediately, she stuck one to my clothes.

You might ask me, "Isn't that in the photo of the New Year's visit to the shrine?"

That's right. The first time I used a disposable heating pad was when we made a New Year's visit. You may have noticed that there is something white on my clothes when you look at the photos in chapter 255. The white thing on my clothes is a disposable heating pad.

This time, I’ll post some photos of me putting a disposable heating pad and becoming a hot dog!!

①I'm crossing the bridge of my favorite park. I feel warm and sleepy.

② I feel comfortable with a disposable heating pad even when it is getting dark.

③ Even when the sun is setting, I'm fine as long as I wear a disposable heating pad.

④ Even when I get in the car, I'm a hot dog.

⑤ I feel warm with a disposable heating pad when taking a walk.

⑥ I’m a hot dog in a park with plum trees.

⑦ Even when I’m taking a rest on the lawn, I feel warm.

⑧Even after I get home, I’m doubly warm both with a disposable heating pad and the fan heater.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み