(149) my stress relief method

文字数 1,202文字

I love eating delicious food and taking walks.
When I walk and get moderately tired, I can sleep well that day.

When it rains, my walk is canceled, and I have to spend the whole day at home.
When this happens, I get stressed and frustrated.

I don't hit anyone when I'm stressed.
Instead, I hit the cardboard box to dissipate the stress.
I bite on the edge of the cardboard box and scratch it.
In this way, the cardboard box that contained some bottles of plum wine became tattered.

This cardboard box also serves as a barrier to prevent me from accidentally going from the living room to the kitchen, where dangerous things such as onions are stored.

Recently, Mom replaced the worn-out cardboard box with a new one containing some mineral water bottles.

Unlike the old cardboard box, the new one has no place for me to bite, but as a result of my scratching, licking, and biting, I made a slight cut.

Now I can relieve stress with the new cardboard box.

I started to bite the old cardboard box.

I’m biting the old cardboard box.

I'm tearing off a piece of the old cardboard box.

I'm licking the new cardboard box.

I’m scratching the new cardboard box.

I'm biting into the new cardboard box




  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み