(359) I Saw Mt. Fuji (2)  

文字数 1,795文字

On the first day we visited Lake Tanuki, but it was cloudy and we couldn’t see Mt.Fuji.

During the night, it rained heavily.

When I woke up in the morning and looked out the window, I saw the light shining in seven colors.

When we went to the hotel's observation deck, we could see Mt. Fuji before sunrise.
There was not much light and it was backlit, so Dad couldn't get a good shot of Mt.Fuji and me.
He wanted to take a photo of us in the daytime in a non-backlit condition, but on this trip, Mt. Fuji was only visible for one hour after sunrise.

The last time we visited here was in December 2020, but even then, the only time Dad was able to see Mt. Fuji was when I was sleeping. It's a big deal, so I'll post some photos Dad took in 2020, too.

For about a week around April 20th and around August 20th, the sun rises from the top of Mt. Fuji. So, you can see the brilliant “Diamond Fuji” at Lake Tanuki. Lake Tanuki is very crowded during “Diamond Fuji” season. Some people come from distant places such as Kyoto for a day trip.

① This is the observation deck of the hotel. This is a photo from 2020.

② I’m looking at Mt. Fuji before sunrise.

③ I am on the observation deck. Mt. Fuji has been split by my leash.

④ I am on the observation deck.

⑤ I’m wearing my straw hat and looking at Mt. Fuji.

⑥ I took off my straw hat and am looking at Mt. Fuji.

⑦ Dad is using a flash.

⑧ I am in front of Mt. Fuji. Dad lowered the flash brightness.

⑨ This is Mt. Fuji before sunrise.

⑩ This is Mt. Fuji around sunrise.

⑪ This is Mt. Fuji at sunrise.

⑫ This is Mt. Fuji when the sun rises.

⑬ This is a picture of the sun hiding behind trees.

⑭ The sun is visible through the trees.

⑮ This is Mt. Fuji with a full moon, which Dad took in 2020.

⑯ This is a photo of Mt. Fuji at dawn, which Dad took in 2020.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み