(348) My Hydrangea Flower Tour 

文字数 1,380文字

In June, I took a walk looking for hydrangea flowers.

In this chapter, I'll introduce some photos of hydrangea flowers that are not individually enough for their own chapter.

In June and July, Dad is having a tough time taking pictures of me.
Do you know why?

The reason is that it's so hot that I always have my tongue out.

① I am in front of the hydrangea flowers in Science Expo Commemorative Park.

② These are more hydrangea flowers in Science Expo Commemorative Park.

③ I’m in front of the hydrangea flowers at Chikatsu Shrine.

④ I’m in front of the hydrangea flowers at Ichinoya Yasaka Shrine.

⑤ I’m In front of the hydrangea flowers of Ichinoya Yasaka Shrine.

⑥ I’m in front of the hydrangea flowers in Ichinoya Yasaka Shrine.

⑦ I am in front of the hydrangea flowers in Doho Park.

⑧ I'm in front of the hydrangea flowers in Doho Park.

⑨ I am in front of the hydrangea flowers in Doho Park.

⑩ I am in front of the hydrangea flowers in Doho Park.

⑪I am in front of the hydrangea flowers at Mori no Ishigama Bakery in Kasama City.

⑫ I am in front of the hydrangea on Umenoki Street.

⑬ I am in front of the hydrangea flowers in Akatsuka Park.

⑭ I’m in front of the hydrangea flowers at the Expo Center.

⑮ I’m in front of the hydrangea flowers at the Expo Center.

⑯ I'm in front of the hydrangea flowers at the Expo Center.

⑰ I am in front of the hydrangea flowers in Chuo Park.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み