(94) on the shore of Lake Kasumigaura

文字数 738文字

I will show you some pictures of me when we went to Lake Kasumigaura.

Kasumigaura is the second largest lake in Japan.

These are the pictures of the second largest lake in Japan and the second smallest dog in Japan side by side.

To be precise, I’m not exactly the second smallest dog in Japan, but I’m a pretty small dog.

But these pictures are strange. When viewed side by side in this way, Lake Kasumigaura seems to be almost the same size as the pond in my usual walking park.

Anyway I’m happy to spend a relaxing time looking at the big lake.

I’m taking a walk near Lake Kasumigaura.

I’m jumping on the shores of Lake Kasumigaura.

I’m taking a rest on the shores of Lake Kasumigaura.
I stay away because the water in the lake seems to be cold.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み