(129)  Ms. Merci wears sunglasses

文字数 1,150文字

The first time I saw a dog wearing sunglasses was at Prince Shopping Plaza in Karuizawa.

At the terrace seat, when we were having lunch, the dog at the table next to us was wearing tinted sunglasses. The dog wore sunglasses throughout the meal, and they looked good on him.

After that, Dad bought me some sunglasses for pets. He took some pictures of me wearing those sunglasses and found that they didn't fit me and that the sunglasses obscured my lovely eyes, which made the picture totally unadorable.
He felt that those photos were failures, so he didn't intend to post them in "Ms. Merci's Diary".

However, if I say that wearing sunglasses makes me look ugly, you readers must be wondering what I look like.
So, I'll keep a little record of how ugly I am when I wear sunglasses.

When I wear these sunglasses, you can see my eyes, so I look cute.

When I wear these sunglasses, you can hardly see my eyes, so I don’t look very cute.

With these sunglasses, you can't see my eyes at all, so I look like any dog.




  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み