(283)  Winter Flowers (1)  

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In the middle of winter, the number of flowers in the park decreases.
Still, there are a few flowers that bloom in the middle of winter, so let me introduce them.

Pansies are the most popular flowers, followed by Habotan (Flowering Kale).
We enjoy the leaves, not the flowers, of the Habotan. Habotan is a member of the Brassicaceae family and seems to have yellow cross-shaped flowers. Habotan is a member of the cabbage family, so it can be eaten, but it is said that it’s not delicious

Recently, there is a mini Habotan that has been cultivated to grow smaller, and there are a wide variety of leaves such as deeply notched leaves and frilled leaves. At first glance, it looks like a colored mini leaf.

Daffodils, cyclamen and primula are also planted.
This time, I’ll introduce winter flowers, mainly pansies.

①I’m in front of yellow pansies.

②I’m taking a walk in front of yellow and purple pansies.

③ I'm in front of the purple pansies.

④ I'm in front of the purple pansies.

⑤ Pansies, cyclamen, and mini Habotan are planted. It's very luxurious.

⑥ There are also pansies, cyclamen, and mini Habotan in the flower bed on the opposite side of the road from Photo⑤.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み