(531)Sunset at Tennozaki Park 

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Tennozaki Park (天王崎公園), located on land jutting out into Lake Kasumigaura, is part of the "Suigo Aso (水郷麻生)", one of the one hundred scenic views of Ibaraki.

It commands a panoramic view of the lakeshore and is said to be the best sunset viewing spot in Lake Kasumigaura.

It takes a little over an hour by car from our house, but we took the plunge and went out there.

After Tennozaki was selected as one of the "One Hundred Scenic Views of Ibaraki" in 1955, the Hakuhoso National Lodge (国民宿舎白帆荘) was built there in 1957. It was also famous for its swimming beach and clam fishing. In 1972, the Tennozaki swimming beach was closed due to the deterioration of the water quality.

Currently, Tennozaki is a park. In 1992, the “Tower of Wind (風の塔)”, which is a toilet facility with an observation deck, was opened. In 2013, however, the observation deck was closed, and now only the toilets are available.

① We’ve arrived at Tennozaki Park. Clouds are hanging around the sunset.

② I'm taking a break on a bench.

③ The sun is setting. It will soon be hidden by the clouds. I had my photo taken.

④ This is the first photo. It's backlit, so it's quite difficult.

⑤ This is the second photo. It doesn't look quite different.

⑥ I’m enjoying walking more than having my photos taken.

⑦ You can see the “Tower of Wind (風の塔)”, a toilet facility with a windsurfing sculpture on top of the observation deck, and “Aso Onsen Shiraho no Yu (あそう温泉白帆の湯)”, a public bath.

⑧ I’ll continue to walk.

⑨ The sun is setting. It's getting dark, so Dad can't take a good photo of me anymore.

⑩ The sun has completely set. We’re going home.

⑪ P.S. This is a statue called "Beyond the Ring of Light" in Kasumigaura Comprehensive Park.

⑫ P.S. This is a graph of the water quality of Lake Kasumigaura. The blue arrow indicates the time when Tennozaki was open as a swimming beach.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み