(488) Ms. Merci’s virtual tour 

文字数 1,927文字

The stock of my favorite edible tooth brushing dental gum for dogs was running low, so we went to a large pet shop to get some.

The shop had a temporary photo booth with a projector that changed the background for advertising purposes. I enjoyed a virtual tour using this photo booth.

① We’ve arrived at the pet shop.

② The photo booth also serves as an advertisement. This is an advertisement for a dog run.
(A dog run is a place where dogs can run freely, and most of them are surrounded by a fence or other enclosure. Since dogs can be let off-leash, it is a place where they can relax and unwind.)

③ The show is now ready.

④ I feel restless. The curtain will open soon.

⑤ The first background is a simple screen like a video game.

⑥ Two dogs are next to the booth, so I'm curious about them.

⑦ This is a coastline scene where you can see a mountain like Mt. Fuji.

⑧ This is a spacious landscape.

⑨ I feel like I've come to a summer resort.

⑩ Suddenly, the scene changed to an underwater scene. Usually, I can't breathe in the ocean. But, you know, it's a virtual tour.

⑪ A lot of fish are swimming.

⑫ Some fish are swimming happily.

⑬ I feel like I'm in the ocean.

⑭ I feel like I'm in the deep sea.

⑮ It looks cold, but there is actually no water, so it's comfortable for me. I don’t like water.

⑯ The background changed to a scene in the mountains. The season has turned to summer.

⑰ You can see Kumazasa(Sasa veitchi or Kuma bamboo grass).

⑱ The scene in the mountains is like my usual walking route.

⑲ This is a scene of autumn leaves.

⑳ The autumn colors are beautiful.

㉑ It has become a snowy scene. It’s winter.

㉒ It's snowing, but since I'm in a virtual space, I'm not cold, so I'm in a good mood.

㉓ Where am I? I feel like I am in a rocket.

㉔ It has become a space scene.

㉕ I feel like an astronaut.

㉖ It's time for a curtain call. The virtual tour is over. It was a lot of fun!!





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み