(219) My 12th birthday

文字数 801文字

I was able to reach my 12th birthday without any major accidents.

This time, too, I had commemorative photos taken in front of a cake.

Should I worry about eating cake and getting cavities?

The cake is for photography only and I don't actually eat it.

Mom and Dad have promised me a special chicken for dinner instead.

By the way, seeing my photo with the cake in front of me, Dad worried that I was getting old and not feeling well.

So, he took a picture of me after I finished eating yogurt for dessert at noon. Looking at that picture, I look fine.

He seemed relieved to think that in the picture with the cake in front of me, I must have been full after breakfast, or I must have still been sleepy.

① I’m looking at the cake.

② I’ve approached the cake.

③ I’ve finished eating yogurt for lunch dessert.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み