(355) Firefly Hunting (2)   

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In this chapter, I’ll introduce fireflies in places other than Jikkoku Neighborhood Park.
“Kitayama Park” in Kasama City, which I introduced in "Chapter 293”, is also a famous firefly spot.

In Tsukuba City, fireflies can be seen at the foot of Mt. Tsukuba (including along the swamps of Kangouri(神郡), Usui(臼井), Numata(沼田), and Kunimatsu(国松)), in the paddy fields along the Sakura River, Yukari no Mori(ゆかりの森), and Hojo Oike(北条大池).

Genji fireflies that live along the stream reach their peak emergence around June 20th.

Kangouri and Usui are the main gateways to Mt. Tsukuba where the Tsukuba Road passes.
There used to be “Rokusho Kotai Jingu (六所皇大神宮)” in Usui, which oversaw “Rokusho” in Hitachi Province. Rokusho refers to the six gods of Mt. Tsukuba, including the male and female deities, Susanoonomikoto (素盞鳴命,すさのおのみこと), Tsukuyomi (月読命, ツクヨミ), Hiruko (蛭子命, ヒルコ), and Amaterasu Omikami (天照大神, アマテラスオオミカミ).
Rokusho Kotai Jingu was closed in 1906 due to the policy of consolidating shrines.
In 2004, the Rokusho Daibutsu or the Great Buddha was built in Kangouri, making it a famous spot.

On July 7, there was a report that someone saw about 10 Heike fireflies there. So we walked along the Rokusho Daibutsu and visited “Hotaru no Sato (Firefly Village)”, but we were unable to find any fireflies ( ;∀;). I hope to see Genji fireflies next year.

① I am in front of a statue of a young Buddhist monk called “bonze” at Rokusho Daibutsu. The lens of the camera Dad took out of the car is cloudy and foggy.

② I am in front of another young bonze statue.

③ I am in front of the Great Buddha of Rokusho Daibutsu.

④ I am in front of the stone monument in “Hotaru no Sato(ホタルの里) ,where they say fireflies can be seen at night. This stone monument was donated in 2008 by a construction company that worked in Kangouri.

⑤ This is Mt.Tsukuba seen from Kangouri.

⑥ Hosokusa River pumping station was built in 1987 as part of a prefectural field development project. Biyouyanagi (Hypericum monogynum) are bearing fruit.

⑦ I am on the road along the Hosokusa River. You can see Mt. Tsukuba in front and the thatched hut of the “Tsukuba Sanroku Green Tourism Promotion Council (筑波山麓グリーン・ツーリズム推進協議会)” on the far right.

⑧ I’ve come back to the Rokusho Daibutsu. "Oh, I'm tired."

⑨ This is Mt.Tsukuba seen from Kangouri district at night. I’ll have to wait until next year to see some fireflies.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み