(342) Lucy Resort 

文字数 1,306文字

“Lucy Resort” is a newly opened facility in Tsukuba with dog runs which only members can use.

In addition to the dog runs, there is an office, a shop for dog goods (treats for dogs, clothes, etc.), and a food truck.

In order to use the dog run, you need to be a member. But you can enter the dog goods shop even if you are not a member, so we went to see what kind of place it was.

You may ask me if I liked it.

Well, it was a genuinely nice facility. Lucy Resort’s selling point is that there are two dog runs, one for small dogs and the other for big dogs. And there are two pools for dogs.

Unfortunately, I don’t like water, including baths, so I'm not going to go near the pool for the time being.

When Mom asked the staff what “Lucy" meant, the staff replied that it was the name of the owner's toy poodle.

① We’ve arrived at the Lucy Resort office.

② The silver bus next to the office is the dog goods shop.

③ I am in the dog goods shop. They sell a variety of dog treats.

④ This is the dog run for small dogs. There is a pool and a tent.

⑤ I am in front of the dog run for small dogs.

⑥ This is a photo of a food truck and a dog run for large dogs. The food truck serves human food, not dog food.

⑦ P.S. I posed with a frog face-hole board at a large pet shop and had a commemorative photo taken.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み