(122) I eat roasted sweet potato 

文字数 1,243文字

Recently, Mom and Dad are enthusiastic about making roasted sweet potatoes.

Stone-baked sweet potatoes and pot-baked sweet potatoes are popular, but Mom and Dad are devising ways to make sweeter ones.

Dad started authoring a book about roasted sweet potatoes, saying that he made roasted sweet potatoes that were sweeter than stone-baked sweet potatoes and looked like "yokan". However, since then, he's been addicted to making sweeter, caramel-like roasted sweet potatoes, and he's suspended authoring the book.

Mom said that Dad's roasted sweet potato book was difficult to understand and unbearable to read, so she has started drafting a book on how to make easy-to-understand roasted sweet potatoes.

Since I sometimes lose my teeth, sweets are prohibited, and I do not eat sugary foods.
Looking on the WEB, some dogs love peanut butter, but it is bad for their health.

This time, I too will be able to sample a piece of sugar-free roasted sweet potato. It was a piece with skin, but it had molasses and was unbelievably delicious.

I have a piece of roasted sweet potato in my mouth.

I started chewing a piece of roasted sweet potato.

I’m chewing on a piece of roasted sweet potato.

I’m happy after eating the sweet potato.





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  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み