(452) Black-headed gulls at a Park   

文字数 1,663文字

In chapter 437, I introduced the illuminations (which was held Dec.4, 2023 ~Jan. 14, 2024) at Kasumigaura Comprehensive Park.

This time, I went to the park for the first time in a while, and I was able to see black-headed gulls.

The black-headed gull is a member of the seagull family. The beak of a normal seagull is yellow, but that of a black-headed gull is orange.

① We’ve arrived at Kasumigaura Comprehensive Park. Although it was late January, the signboard for Suigo Cherry Blossom Illumination was there.

②The signboard for illumination remained.

③ These bamboo tubes were also used for the illuminations.

④ There remained a Christmas tree from the illuminations. Now, we’ll move towards the pond.

⑤There are some black-headed gulls in the pavilion.

⑥ There are also black-headed gulls on the wooden path.

⑦ I’m approaching the wooden path.

⑧ I’m approaching the wooden path.

⑨ I'm on the wooden path. The black-headed gulls that were on the wooden path have flown away.

⑩ I’m walking along the wooden path.

⑪ Some black-headed gulls are perched on the stand.

⑫ I left the wooden path. I'm curious about the white moving objects.

⑬ The white objects are remote-controlled cars.

⑭ A three-wheeled bicycle "Ruder Trike S" has passed by.

⑮ The fruits of the Japanese maple tree have fallen.

⑯ We’ve arrived in front of the windmill. A white Shiba dog is calmly riding in a bicycle basket. I don't think I can do the same thing.

⑰There is a cat on the grass.

⑱ A black-winged wagtail has flown towards me.

⑲ I'm looking at the cat and the black-tailed wagtail.

⑳ The white wagtail has flown away.

㉑ Luckily, I was able to meet a lot of friends today.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み