(57)   black whiskers

文字数 1,506文字

Dad found only one black whisker on the right side of my nose. But I have never seen my whiskers because dogs can’t look in the mirror. Humans can't see well around their nose unless they use a mirror, either.

Dogs’ whiskers are responsible for tactile and equilibrium. The role of dogs' whiskers is the same as that of cats’ whiskers.

Thanks to whiskers, a cat can check if it can pass through a gap, and even if it jumps from a high place, it can twist its body and land on the ground brilliantly.

Dogs have developed a sense of smell and have come to rely on it rather than whiskers. So the role of whiskers has become less important. It seems that some dogs have their whiskers trimmed at a dog hairdressing salon, just as humans have their eyebrows trimmed.

A dog's whiskers regenerate about twice a year. My black whiskers also fell off shortly after taking the picture and went somewhere.

When Dad looked up an old photo of me, he saw black whiskers on the right side of my nose. There were one or two or three whiskers on my right nose. In the near future, a black whisker may grow again.

When Dad saw a photo of me when I was young, he found I had a lot of black whiskers on both sides of my nose. It seems that my hair becomes gray as I get older!!

one black whisker on the right side of my nose

two black whiskers on the right side of my nose

two black whiskers on the right side of my nose

a commemorative photo of Totoro (which has black whiskers) and me

I have lost my black whiskers!





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