(443) Onigashima Sisters and me

文字数 1,653文字

February 3rd is Setsubun.

On Setsubun, we throw beans.

During Setsubun season, food manufacturers sell Fukumame (roasted soy beans) and provide paper masks for free to promote sales.

We were able to get three paper masks when we purchased Fukumame.

The three masks are Akaoni (red demon), Momotaro, and Nitoryu-oni (two-headed dragon demon).

The two-headed dragon demon was designed by a manga artist Akatsuka Fujio, and a food manufacturer specifically commissioned the design for Setsubun in 2024. As the demon has two dragons designed on its forehead, it is called the two-headed dragon demon.

The paper masks are sized for human children, so they are too big for me. Therefore, I decided to have the stuffed animals Doraemon, Rabbit, and Bear, wear the paper masks.

We named the performers "Onigashima Sisters". And the photo session has begun.

① They are "Onigashima Sisters" (from the left: Doraemon's Momotaro, Rabbit's Two-headed Dragon Demon, and Bear's Red Demon). Doraemon is invisible behind Momotaro's mask.

② I also appeared wearing a red demon mask.

③ When I look up, half of the red demon mask is hidden.

④ When I look up more, the red demon mask is no longer visible.

⑤ If you look closely, you'll find the red demon mask is on my head.

⑥ Now, let me introduce Doraemon, who plays the role of Momotaro.

⑦ Next, Rabbit plays the role of the two-headed dragon demon.

⑧ Finally, Bear plays the role of Red Demon.

⑨ For some reason, it is getting more exciting.

⑩ I’m sniffing the Fukumame (roasted soy beans).

⑪ I’m sniffing the Kibidango (millet dumplings).

⑫ Dad Dog has joined in, and the wild party has begun.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み