(458) Plum grove in the park 2024 (2) 

文字数 1,611文字

After "Plum Grove in the Park (2024) (1)", harsh weather continued for four days.

In this chapter, I'll show you the photos Dad took 4 days, 6 days, and 8 days after the previous chapter.

① This is the park 4 days after the previous chapter. I'll move on.

② The promenade is covered with plum blossom petals. I'll move on further.

③ What a beautiful flower carpet!

④ I just came to the park.

⑤ There are only a few fallen petals on the lawn.

⑥ I should be careful not to hit the bicycle.

⑦ I’m taking a walk along the promenade.

⑧ These are some plum blossoms. The red color you see in the background is the color of red plum blossoms (紅梅).

⑨ This is a white-eye that came to the red plum blossoms.

⑩ This is the park 6 days after the previous chapter. Flower petals are falling on the lawn.

⑪ I'm walking on the flower petals.

⑫ I want to look at plum blossoms forever.

⑬ I can really relax.

⑭ I'm walking on the flower petals.

⑮ There are flower petals left on the promenade.

⑯ There are no flower petals on this lawn.

⑰ There are a few petals on the lawn here.

⑱ The number of fallen petals has increased.

⑲ This is a very thick plum tree.

⑳ I got on the bench and had my photo taken.

㉑ These are plum blossoms.

㉒ This is another white-eye.

㉓ The white-eye flew close.

㉔ These are plum blossoms.

㉕ This Japanese tit also seems to like plum blossoms.

㉖ This is a thrush.

㉗ This is the park 8 days after the previous chapter.

㉘ The wind blew yesterday, so the petals flew away.

㉙ The setting sun is turning red.

㉚ The plum blossom season is nearing its end.

㉛ It's getting dark, so I'm going home.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み