(368) Semi-shigure 

文字数 2,132文字

These days, I listen to "Semi-shigure", the outburst of cicadas chirping.

"Shigure (時雨)" originally refers to temporary rain that falls from autumn to winter.

“Semi-shigure (蝉時雨)” is an expression used to describe the sound of the cicadas chirping in unison, and is a seasonal word for summer.

In summer, I sometimes rest on the grass in the shade of the park listening to the cicadas.
With the arrival of Obon, the Tsukutsukuboushi (Meimuna opalifera, つくつく法師) chorus has also been added.

In this chapter, I'll introduce some pictures of me listening to cicadas chirping loudly.

There is, however, one problem:the cicadas' chirping cannot be captured in the photo. To put it simply, it is difficult to distinguish between "a photo of me resting on the grass without listening to the chorus of cicadas and "a photo of me resting on the grass while listening to the chorus of cicadas.

So, this time, I asked some cicadas to appear.

① This is an Abra Zemi(Graptopsaltria nigrofuscata アブラゼミ) perched on a cherry tree.

② This is Min-Min Zemi (Hyalessa maculaticollisミンミンゼミ) perched on the playground equipment.

③ These are cicada larva shells left on the cherry tree leaves.

④ A cicada larva is walking at my feet.

⑤ This is a midsummer park. A dragonfly is flying in the upper left.

⑥ I'm listening to the cicadas chirping loudly.

⑦ I'm listening to the cicadas chirping loudly.

⑧ I'm listening to the cicadas chirping.

⑨ I'm listening to the cicadas chirping.

⑩ I'm listening to the cicadas chirping.

⑪ I'm listening to the cicadas chirping.

⑫ I'm listening to the cicadas chirping.

⑬ I'm listening to the cicadas chirping.

⑭ I'm listening to the cicadas chirping.

⑮ I'm listening to the cicadas chirping.

⑯ I'm listening to the cicadas chirping.

⑰ I'm listening to the cicadas chirping.

⑱ I'm listening to the cicadas chirping.

⑲ P.S. While I was listening to cicadas chirping, I found a rooster climbing a tree in the park.

⑳ P.S. While I was listening to cicadas chirping in Doho Park, I saw black-backed wagtails flying in a flock. This is one of them.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み