(61)Ms. Merci and Santa Claus

文字数 788文字

Christmas is approaching. I said to Santa, “I hope I can eat chicken with bones this year.”

After all, chicken is best with bones!

When I asked Santa, he replied, “I’m very busy on Christmas Eve, so I can visit your house a little before then.”

Christmas cards are meant to be displayed on the fireplace until Christmas.

New Year's Day begins on New Year's Day, but Christmas is something to enjoy until Christmas comes, and it's all over after Christmas.

When I replied, “ it is okay to come a little early”, to my joy, Santa came!!

Santa looking at the stars on the tree

Is it more like Little Red Riding Hood than Santa? I don't think so. Yes!!

How is it? It's a pretty good Santa Claus.

Woops! The hat has slipped and is about to fall.

Did you notice that Santa is me?





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み