(227) I go to Nakane Fureai Park

文字数 1,105文字

I was completely upset by the lawn mower robot, so Dad cut short the walk in Harukazedai and took me to a nearby park: Nakane Fureai Park.

Nakane Fureai Park is one of the smallest parks in the city, but it covers an area of ​​1 ha, which is five times the size of an ordinary city park of 0.2 ha.

There is Hachiryu Shrine next to it, and there is a swing in the precincts, making it a mini park.

For most people, the selling point of the park is the slide.

For me, the appeal of Nakane Fureai Park is the size and shape of the grounds, which are like jigsaw puzzles suitable for exploration.

I felt like I was David Livingstone, an explorer in Africa. I ran from end to end at Nakane Fureai Park and Hachiryu Shrine.
I ran around pulling Dad, so he could only take a few pictures.

①This is Nakane Fureai Park. You can see a slide and a play structure in the distance. This was the only picture Dad took while I was standing still.

② I’m exploring around the park. A dog's nose can't work well if it's not moist, so I'm hydrating it with my tongue. It is a sleight of hand that goes unnoticed.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み