(21) Ms. Merci and roses

文字数 1,312文字

When I went to Hitachi Seaside Park, it was autumn. But roses were in bloom, so Dad decided to take commemorative photos of Ms. Merci in front of the roses.

That’s unreasonable. For one thing, Ms. Merci is small, so the roses were blooming high above me. For another, dogs are sensitive to scent, but not interested in beauty.

But you know, humans are pretty stubborn creatures, and Mom and Dad were taking pictures saying "which is better, this rose, or that one?"

So what kind of photos did Dad take? I'll show you.
Even with Dad’s skills as a cameraman, it is impossible to do something that is impossible. But, you know, Ms. Merci was in a good mood to be able to smell the lovely roses.

That day was when Kokia was in full bloom as well, and a professional photographer brought a toy poodle and was taking pictures of it for a pet magazine. In the middle of the hills of Kokia, the dog was sitting on a wicker basket and posing.

Ms. Merci, on the other hand, can't really strike a pose in the middle of Kokia, which has no scent. It was lucky that Dad didn't say, "I'll take a commemorative photo of Meru-chan in front of Kokia"

Ms. Merci is striking a pose in front of the rose flowers.

Ms. Merci smells the roses.

I want to resume my walk soon.




  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み