(262) Ms. Merci’s rabbit hat

文字数 1,642文字

2023 is the Year of the Rabbit.
So, Dad decided to take some pictures of me wearing a rabbit hat.
A pink rabbit hat from the same series as the apple hat and giraffe hat I already introduced (Chapters 115 and 121) was in the catalog in a pet shop, but it was out of stock, probably because it’s the year of the rabbit, so he couldn't get one.

On December 30th, Dad found and bought another rabbit hat to introduce this time.
If Dad could successfully take pictures of me wearing a rabbit hat, he was planning to post them early this year, but there are two problems with this hat.

The first is that the rabbit's ears do not stand up. The ears will either fall forward or fall back. It doesn't look like a rabbit at all when the ears aren't standing.

The second is that the hat looks more like a bandage than a hat. When the rabbit's ears completely fall back, I look like a dog with mumps.

Dad re-shot photos several times, but in the end, he was not able to take a single photo of me that looked like a rabbit.

Even so, I'm going to take the opportunity to introduce the failure photos to you.

① This is a picture of the rabbit's ears falling backwards.

② This is a picture of the rabbit's ears falling forward.

③ When Dad lifted the ears, they fell backwards as soon as he let go.

④This is a picture of the rabbit's ears falling backwards.

⑤This is a picture of the rabbit's ears falling forward.

⑥When I tried wearing the hat again, the rabbit's ears fell backwards this time.

⑦The rabbit's ears fell back and disappeared, making it look like I have mumps.

⑧I take off the hat and feel relieved.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み