(116) Ms. Merci’s close-up photos 

文字数 1,231文字

When Dad takes a photo of my nose, he brings the camera close to my nose and takes a photo.
With a normal lens, the closer my nose is to the camera, the less it will be in focus.

However, if you use a mysterious lens called a “macro lens”, you can take close-up photos with the camera closer to your subjects.

Dad said, "By the way, I haven't taken close-ups until now," and he took various close-up photos of me.

Some photos show only my nose and ears.

New Year's Day has already passed, but if you want to do Fukuwarai (New Year’s game in which blindfolded players place cutouts of facial features onto the outline of a face), you should line up photos of my nose, ears, mouth and eyes.

But with a photo of my nose only, or a photo of my ears only, you don't know if the model in the photo is me.

So, this time, I will post some photos of me that are a little bigger than usual. Some aren’t very close-up, but they’re taken with a macro lens.

I have my chin on the edge of my House.

I have my front paw on my sweater.

I'm looking towards the window.

I'm on a sweater. This photo hasn't been zoomed in very much.

I have my chin on the edge of my House.
This photo hasn't been zoomed in too much.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み