(194) Play Structure 

文字数 1,696文字

I introduced the outdoor obstacle playsets at Doho Park in episodes 175~177. In Doho Park, there are two large play structures next to the outdoor obstacles.

Play structures are a set of multiple types of play equipment such as slides, tunnels, climbable walls, and ropes.

In the past, children's parks had separate slides, swings, and horizontal bars, but in recent children's parks, play structures have been installed instead. Thanks to the play structures, children can enjoy not only slides, but also slope climbing, rope climbing, etc. at the same time.

At Doho Park, I tried this equipment. But the slide was too high, and I was too scared. I don't like high places.

The other day, I noticed that there is a play structure in our usual walking park as well. Also, its height is just right for me.

I guess this can be called "灯台下暗し" which means “It's hard to see what is under your nose.”

In this way, I was able to try the play structure.

①This is the play structure at our usual park. The height of the slide is about 1m and not very high.

② I’m at the entrance to the blue slide. I'm not afraid of this height.

③ I'm in front of an orange tunnel.

④ I'm at the entrance to the slide. I'm a little worried because I'm not used to it.

⑤ I'm at the entrance to the slide.

⑥ I'm at the exit of the tunnel. You can see the red stair railing in the background.

⑦ I'm at the exit of the blue tunnel.

⑧ I turned towards the stairs at the exit of the blue tunnel. You can see some children playing on the yellow concrete playground. They're looking energetic.

⑨ I cautiously descend the stairs. I can go down these stairs by myself.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み