(238) Neighborhood Kochia 

文字数 2,051文字

We went to see kochia at Hitachi Seaside Park last year (2021), but this year we didn't go there to avoid the crowds.

Instead, when we searched for kochia in my neighborhood, we found only one place on the route of our usual walk.

Up to that point, things were going well, but on one side of the kochia was a road, and the angles of the photos Dad took were not that good.

By the way, the faces of humans and dogs are generally bilaterally symmetrical, but in some details, they are slightly asymmetrical. On my face, for example, the black hairs that look like eyebrows are asymmetrical.

Strictly speaking, the faces of humans and dogs are asymmetrical, so when viewed from the front, the asymmetrical parts stand out and look unnatural.

Of course, this is a matter of appearance. If the face is photographed from straight-on while being lit from one side, there will be shadows, which make symmetrical parts of the face less obvious, so there is no problem.

However, photos of faces taken head-on without these lighting effects look strange. That's why some models refuse to have their picture taken from the front.

Among the photos this time, there were some photos taken from the front without any lighting effect.

It would have been nice for me to say “no”, just like a model would, but I'll leave it as it will be a conversation starter.

If you look closely, my face looks strange, so please don't look too closely.

① This is the place where kochia is blooming. The road is dangerous, so Dad shoots on the sidewalk in front of the bush.

② This is a picture of me looking slightly diagonally. This is a typical angle of one’s face.

③ This is a picture of me slightly facing the front. I think picture② looks prettier.

④This is a picture of me facing straight ahead. If you look closely, it looks like a strange face, so please do not look closely.

⑤ This is my favorite” a beauty looking back pose”.

⑥ The face is slanted, and it is a pose that stands firmly. I think it's perfect for this pose, but I don't think it's cute.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み