(389) Mid-Autumn Harvest Moon  

文字数 1,916文字

September 29, 2023, was the day of the mid-autumn harvest moon.

We have a custom of viewing the moon on the night of the harvest moon.

"Moon viewing”, which celebrates the harvest moon, was introduced from China during the Heian period. In Japan, the mid-autumn harvest moon is associated with agricultural events, so, in some regions, this moon is especially called the “Imo meigetsu (meaning “moom-viewing with taro)'' because freshly harvested taro (さといも) is offered.

I appreciated the moon in an elegant way.

①This is the Harvest Moon. Now, I’ll explain about moon viewing.

② I’m preparing my harvest so that it can be called “Imo Meigetsu.” Susuki(silver grass) is often associated with moon viewing, but the nearby flower shop only had pampas grass, so I prepared pampas grass.

③ Oh, there's still something missing here. Do you know what it is?

④ It is Tsukimi Dango (moon-viewing mochi balls). It also comes with a rabbit bun.

⑤ Now I shouldn't have forgotten anything else.

⑥ All of a sudden, I wanted to play with my Dad dog.

⑦ I forgot about the moon viewing and started playing with my Dad dog.

⑧ I am absorbed in playing with it. In my case, it's not “Dango over flowers (花より団子),'' but ”Dad dog over dango(団子より犬のお父さん).''

※"Dango over flowers(花より団子)” is an expression used during cherry blossom season to explain that some people enjoy eating dango more than viewing cherry blossoms.

⑨ I’ve finished playing with my Dad dog.

⑩ I'm talking to my Dad dog about moon viewing. We've come to the conclusion that Susuki (alias: Chinese silver grass, Miscanthus sinensis) is better for moon viewing than Pampas grass (alias:シロガネヨシ, Cortaderia selloana).

⑪ We went to the park where we often go to look for some Susuki.

⑫ Some Susuki have been successfully prepared. I arranged the Susuki and pampas grass together.

⑬ This is a photo of my completed moon viewing.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み