(383) Stone Sculpture Exhibition

文字数 1,684文字

It's autumn for art.

The University of Tsukuba is holding "Tsukuba Art & Design Street 2023" from March 17, 2023, to March 2024 to commemorate its 50th anniversary.

This is an event where art and design works by University of Tsukuba art students and faculty are displayed and installed along the Tsukuba Center and the surrounding pedestrian deck, creating a colorful atmosphere.

There are 13 types of exhibitions, A to M, and the exhibition period varies depending on the content.

This event is dog friendly, and I can see the exhibits, except for the K and L events which are on display at the Tsukuba Art Museum on campus. What's more, viewing is free.

In this chapter, I’d like to introduce Event H, “Charm of the unique shapes of stone - Exhibition of stone sculptures'', which is being exhibited at Takezono Park from August 28th to November 1st.
The only description of these sculptures is the artist's name and the title of the work written on the base.

I bet some of the talented artists of the future are included.

Tsukuba Art & Design Street 2023

① HOUSUI Chihiro : 結 Link

② Yuumuki Anna : おくりもの Gift

③ OGAWA Kohei : 山水 Landscape

④ SAWABE Hiroko : 綿毛の旅 Fluff trip

⑤ SEJIMA Natsuki : 丸まるモモンガ A curling up flying squirrel

⑥ SEJIMA Natsuki : 丸まるモモンガ A curling up flying squirrel

⑦ HAMURO Yoshin : 漂流 Drifting

⑧ HAMURO Yoshin : 漂流 Drifting

⑨ KITAHARA Tomoka : 筍石 TAKENOKO stone

⑩ Wada Naoki : 氷 Ice

⑪ BANNO Mako : 賢者の微睡み A Sleeping Philosopher

⑫ SHURILLA Kokori : 海の大理石 Marble of the Sea

⑬ AIZAWA Yuka : パン Bread

⑭ I looked around Takezono Park again and headed home.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み