(269) Am I a red devil ?

文字数 1,327文字

February 3rd is Setsubun.

On Setsubun, Toshiotoko(men born in a year with the same Chinese zodiac sign as the current year) and Toshionna (women born in a year with the same Chinese zodiac sign as the current year) scatter beans while saying, "Devils out (鬼は外), Good luck in (福は内)."

At this time, if there is no demon, the excitement will be lacking, so it is necessary that someone plays the role of a demon.

Dad found a small red demon mask that I could wear, so I played the role of the red demon.

① This is the mask of the red demon. The size looks good.

②I put on a red demon mask. It looks like a hat.

③ You can see that it is a red demon when viewed from directly above.

④I’m getting used to the red demon mask.

⑤I’m relaxing on the mat.

⑥ When I look up, you can barely see the red demon mask.

⑦ When I look up more, the mask is almost invisible.

⑧I'm thinking deeply about what a red demon is.

⑨ I’m playing with Mr. Totoro who is wearing the mask.

⑩I'm examining the holly to ward off evil.

★"Setsubun" is the event held to pray for our happy and healthy life. On that day, we throw beans while saying, “Devils out! Good luck in!”
This is called “Mamemaki” in Japanese. Some people decorate their house entrance with sardine heads and holly branches, which is said to protect their houses from devils.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み