(38) Dad’s red camera bag 

文字数 727文字

When Dad goes to take photos, he uses a knapsack when he has a lot of luggage, but when he has only a little luggage, he goes out with a small red camera bag.

One day, he wondered which was bigger, the camera bag or Ms. Merci. Immediately, he put the camera bag and me side by side and compared us. This photo is from that time.

Well, in reality, which is bigger?

It's Ms. Merci. You may wonder why I can say so. Because if I’m smaller, Dad will surely try putting me into the bag. I don’t like being put into a small space like a camera bag. Therefore I posed in order that my body looked big so that Dad wouldn't think about such a stupid thing.

I'm sitting next to the camera bag.

I’m bigger than the bag, right?





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み