(407)  I feel like an astronaut  

文字数 2,184文字

Tsukuba City, where I live, is home to the JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) Tsukuba Space Center.

In JAXA's Rocket Plaza, a real 50m H-II rocket used for development tests is displayed horizontally.

The TX Tsukuba Station exit leads to Chuo Park. A 50m full-scale model of the H-II rocket is displayed vertically at the Tsukuba Expo Center adjacent to the park.

Unfortunately, dogs are not allowed at the Tsukuba Space Center and the Tsukuba Expo Center.

From Chuo Park, you can see the 50m full-scale model of the H-II rocket at the Tsukuba Expo Center, so I felt like an astronaut and had Dad take some commemorative photos.

In Chuo Park, there are stone displays that explain the planets of the solar system.

These displays are spaced to scale to help you understand the distance between the actual planets in the solar system.

For this reason, the displays of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are located far away from the Saturn display.

Tsukuba City's mascot ”Captain Hookun'' has motifs of “nature (owls)'' and “science (robots and astronauts).'' At the end of this chapter, I'll include some photos of Captain Hookun that Dad took at Tsukuba City Hall, where there are three "Captain Hookun" figures.

① I am in front of the rocket.

② I am in front of the rocket.

③ I am in front of the rocket. 

④ I am in front of the rocket.

⑤ I am in front of the rocket.

⑥ I'm watching the rocket from the other side of the pond.

⑦ This is the stone display for the sun. This is the starting point for the stone monuments of other planets.

⑧ I am in front of the Mercury and Venus displays.

⑨ I am in front of the Venus and Earth monuments.

⑩ I am in front of the Mars stone monument.

⑪ I'm running away from the Mars monument.

⑫ I’m in front of the Jupiter monument.

⑬ I’m in front of the Saturn monument.

⑭ I’m in front of the Neptune monument.

⑮ With bing’s help, Dad made my portrait as an astronaut. 

⑯ This is the first “Captain Hookun” at Tsukuba City Hall.

⑰ This is the second “Captain Hookun” at Tsukuba City Hall. This stuffed animal has traveled to space and stayed on the ISS.

⑱ This is the third “Captain Hookun” at Tsukuba City Hall.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み