(100) Ms. Merci in Windmill Park

文字数 973文字

The official name of Windmill Park is “Kasumigaura Comprehensive Park”, which is located in Tsuchiura City, next to Tsukuba City.

There is a big windmill in the park, and you can see it from a distance, so we call the park “Windmill Park”.
The largest Doho Park in Tsukuba City has 20.0ha, but the Windmill Park is even larger, with 32.3ha.

So, although it's a little far away, we sometimes go there for a walk.
There are many dogs coming for a walk there.
From season to season, various flowers bloom and the area is full of nice scent.

Unfortunately, it was winter this time, so the only flowers were pansies and camellias, but it was still spacious and I was able to take a very pleasant walk.

I’m taking a walk in the windmill park. You can see the windmill in the distance.

I'm approaching the windmill.

I’m walking on the fallen leaves of the windmill park. The fallen leaves have a fine texture and feel like a carpet.

The snow that fell the other day still remains.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み