(362) I tried a puppuccino   

文字数 1,054文字

A cappuccino is a drink which adds creamy milk to a cup of espresso.

The cappuccino at Starbucks is a classic cappuccino recipe.

Puppy cappuccino, known as “puppuccino", is a popular Starbucks menu item in the United States.
It is a secret menu item that is not printed on the menu, and you can get one for free.

Unfortunately, Starbucks in Japan hasn't yet had this drink.

The puppuccino doesn’t contain espresso but has fresh cream. Simply put, it's whipped cream.

I wanted to eat a puppuccino, so Mom made me a homemade puppuccino.

① I'm licking the outside of the puppuccino cup.

② I'm licking it a little more.

③ I'm thinking a little.

④ "Mom, I can't eat this much."

⑤ I'm wondering, “if I eat this much, I'll get a stomachache.”

⑥ I'm looking at the puppuccino Mom gave me on a small plate.

⑦ I licked it a little.

⑧ I licked it more.

⑨ I'm thinking about the taste.

⑩ I liked it, so I'm eating it with my mouth wide open.

⑪ But I’m thinking, "a moderate amount of dessert is good".





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み