(161)  Memories of I-chan

文字数 1,002文字

Shiba dog I-chan is my favorite dog. She lived in a kennel in the carport of Mr. M's house. When I was taking a walk, I passed in front of the carport and enjoyed seeing I-chan.

One day, Mr. M began to keep another dog. A newcomer Shiba dog named K-chan joined the family.

It was only a short while after K-chan joined that the carport became lively. About two months after K-chan came, however, I-chan died. She had cancer. I-chan, who I liked the most, went to heaven.

Recently, I rarely choose to pass by Mr. M's house during my walks.

Even so, when I pass Mr. M's house, I feel as if I - chan were about to appear out of the kennel. I know that only K - chan lives there now, but I remember the good old days.

"I wonder if I-chan is here today," I stopped in front of the carport.

"Daddy. I'm sure I-chan is here today."

I’m looking into the kennel in the carport.

"I'm sorry, I-chan isn't here."( ;∀;)

I'm feeling a little sad and leaving.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み