(450) Cat Day   

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Recently, I learned that February 22nd is “Cat Day” in Japan. This is designated by the Pet Food Association by replacing the cat's cry "meow" with a similar sound "2, (ni)" in Japanese.

If a cat's cry is ”meow meow", it falls on February 2.
If a cat's cry is "meow meow meow", it falls on February 22.

It looks like there is "Dog Day", too.

If you replace the dog's bark "wan" (that is "bowwow" in English-speaking countries) with "1", "wan wan" falls on January 1st, and “wan wan wan” falls on January 11th, or November 1st.
In Japan, November 1st is designated as Dog Day.

To replace "wan" with "1" is unique to Japanese. In other countries, "Dog Day" doesn't seem to be on November 1st. So, I researched about Dog Day overseas.

[International Dog Day]
In 2004, 10-year-old Colleen Paige came up with the idea of creating a "Dog Day", to make people aware of the importance of animals and give them an incentive to adopt a pet. She chose August 26th as Dog Day, the day she and her family brought home their first dog, Sheltie, from an animal shelter.
As an adult, Colleen became a dog trainer, author, and animal rights activist. August 26th, formerly known as National Dog Day, is now known as "International Dog Day". (By the way, International Cat Day is August 8th.)

"International Dog Day" is a day to encourage people to adopt a dog instead of buying one from a pet store. It is a day to honor dogs who work selflessly to bring comfort to their owners, keep them safe and save lives.

On International Dog Day, the following are recommended:
・Show your gratitude by giving them their favorite treats and taking them for long walks.
・Adopt a dog and help improve the dog's life.
・Donate to or visit an animal shelter to show your love.
・Have your dog get a health check by a veterinarian.

I hope International Dog Day becomes popular in Japan as well.

This time, I'll show you some photos of cats and me. In addition, I'll introduce the cat dolls for the Doll's Festival at Cyujyosan Fudoin (中城山不動院) in Tsuchiura City.

① This is a stuffed cat.

② This is a photo of the stuffed cat and me.

③ I'm wearing a cat hat.

④ These are two cats.

⑤ I'm playing with the cat's hat.

⑥ I want to sharpen my claws with cardboard like a cat.

⑦ Cyujyosan Fudoin Temple has Doll's Festival decorations.

⑧ These are cat dolls.

⑨ These are cat dolls.

⑩ These are cat dolls.

⑪ These are cat dolls.





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