(331) Dandelions 

文字数 1,625文字

Dandelions are a type of wild grass that grows in fields and parks, and blooms in spring.

When the cherry blossoms bloom in spring, many people come to see them.

However, when the dandelion flowers bloom, no one comes to see them.

These days, Dad thinks dandelion flowers are fine art and has been photographing them.

Photo ① is of dandelion flowers that Dad photographed. The yellow circles in the back are also dandelion flowers.

In photo ②, Dad opened the aperture further. This makes the yellow circles bigger.

The yellow circles resemble yellow traffic lights rather than dandelion flowers.

This is how Dad started taking pictures of me in front of yellow dandelion traffic lights.

Photos ③ and ④ are the first two photos Dad took. If you look closely, you can see faint dandelion traffic lights.

I’ll also post some more pictures that Dad took of the dandelion traffic lights and me.

Looking at the photos, you’ll notice the low skill of the photographer.

① This is a picture of dandelion flowers.

② This is a picture of dandelion flowers.

③ This is a photo of me and dandelion flowers.

④ This is a photo of me and dandelion flowers.

⑤ This is a photo of me and dandelion flowers.

⑥ This is a photo of me and dandelion flowers.

⑦ This is a photo of me and dandelion flowers.

⑧ This is a photo of me and dandelion flowers.

⑨ This is a photo of me and dandelion flowers.

⑩ This is a photo of me and dandelion flowers.

⑪ This is a photo of me and dandelion flowers.

⑫ This is a photo of me and dandelion flowers.

⑬ This is a photo of me and dandelion flowers.

⑭ This is a photo of me and dandelion flowers.

⑮ I’m running away from the dandelions.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み