(365) My Fountain Tour (1) 

文字数 1,498文字

Summer this year (2023) is scorching.

I wear fur, so I try to stay as cool as possible in the sizzling summer.
"Where can I find a cool place in the hot summer?" Well, it’s a park with a fountain!

So, I went to a couple of nearby parks with fountains.

In this chapter, I’ll introduce “Katoridai Kissho Park (香取台吉祥公園)” in Tsukuba City and “Fukuoka Zeki Sakura Park (福岡堰さくら公園)” in the neighboring Tsukubamirai City.

Fukuoka Zeki Sakura Park is part of the surrounding facilities of Fukuoka Dam which I introduced in Chapter 301 and 302.

Dogs are not allowed in the aquatic facilities, including the fountain in Fukuoka Zeki Sakura Park, so I took a closer look at them while being held in Mom’s arms.

① We arrived at Katoridai Kissho Park. At 10 am, the fountain was turned on.

② I’m looking at the fountain from afar.

③ I felt danger and am running away from the fountain.

④ On closer inspection, the fountain doesn't seem to pose any threat.

⑤ I’m wearing clothes that cool me down when they get wet. These clothes are cooler than I

⑥ I’m completely intrigued by the fountain and am in a good mood.

⑦ We arrived at Fukuoka Zeki Sakura Park.

⑧ I’ve arrived in front of the fountain. It looks a little like a factory.

⑨ Mom is holding me. Now let's get closer to the fountain.

⑩ I’m approaching the fountain. A boy is playing a trick.

⑪ I liked the splashes.

⑫ It's getting cooler with the splashes.

⑬ The water is cool, so I’m completely satisfied.

⑭ We’ll return to the parking lot.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み