(480) Tulips in Hitachi Seaside Park 

文字数 2,197文字

In this chapter, I’ll show you some tulips blooming at Tamago no Mori Flower Garden (たまごの森フラワーガーデン) in Hitachi Seaside Park. It is surprising that there are approximately 260,000 tulips of 270 varieties in the garden.

Tulips were popular during the economic bubble (tulip bubble) in the Netherlands in the 17th century. At that time, tulip bulbs were as valuable as gold. The black tulip bulbs, which were the rarest, were the most expensive.

French novelist Alexandre Dumas Père, known for “The Three Musketeers'' and “The Count of Monte Cristo,'' wrote a novel titled “La Tulipe noire'' in 1850, during the tulip bubble era.
The protagonist of the novel is a young man who improved the varieties of tulips.

Black tulips are more of a deep purple or deep brown color.
The most popular black tulip is “Queen of Night”. Also, the “Black Hero,'' which have double flowers, and the “Black Parrot,'' which have uniquely shaped petals are sold on markets.
"Black Hero" tulips are planted in the Tamago no Mori Flower Garden, too.

① First, we’ll pass in front of the canola blossom field and head towards Tamago no Mori Flower Garden.

② These are canola flowers in front of the old folk houses.

③ I am in front of canola flowers.

④ We just arrived at Tamago no Mori Flower Garden.

⑤ I am in front of red tulips.

⑥ These are colorful tulips.

⑦ These are black tulips named “Black Hero”.

⑧ These are pink tulips named "Angelique."

⑨ These are colorful clusters of tulips.

⑩ We’ll go further into Tamago no Mori Flower Garden.

⑪ A photographer is taking pictures of a bride.

⑫ The bride left after the photo shoot.

⑬ This is where the photographer was taking pictures of the bride. Some short tulips are blooming.

⑭ The short tulips are called “Ice Cream”!!

⑮ We’ll proceed further into Tamago no Mori Flower Garden.

⑯ There is a windmill for decoration.

⑰ Dad is taking a commemorative photo of us.

⑱ We’ll leave the garden and return to the gate.

⑲ A train named “Seaside Train” has arrived.

⑳ This is the train.

㉑ The train is passing by.

㉒ Gorgeous Rhododendrons are blooming.

㉓ Lots of pansy flowers are blooming in front of the gate. The gate is right there.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み