(508) The day it rained cats and dogs

文字数 1,579文字

It's still the rainy season. When it is raining heavily, I can't go for a walk, and I’m getting stressed out.

"It rains cats and dogs" is an expression that Japanese students learn in English class.

The origin of this expression is that "When it rains, the roof becomes slippery and cats and dogs fall off while taking a nap," or "Dogs and cats don't get along, and when they fight, they make really loud noises."

However, this famous idiom doesn't seem to be used very often in reality.

In Japanese expression, a metaphor for a bad relationship is "dog and monkey relationship(犬猿の仲)," while in English it is "like cats and dogs."

It had been raining for hours today, so I went for a walk at the covered "Ami Outlet Mall." To my surprise, there were more than 20 dogs walking around.

① We’ve arrived at the outlet mall. There are arcades (covered passages), so I can walk even in the rain.

② I’ve just started my walk.

③ I’ve come to a flower bed.

④ I am in front of the flower bed.

⑤ Walking is a lot of fun.

⑥ I’m walking through the arcade.

⑦ I'm walking through the arcade.

⑧ I’m walking, avoiding a bulldog that passed by me.

⑨ I walked while avoiding the bulldog, but suddenly it jumped out of the buggy and chased me. I was incredibly surprised.

⑩ I am in the plaza in front of the main entrance.

⑪ I am in the plaza in front of the main entrance.

⑫ There are the flowers to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the mall's opening.

⑬ I am in front of the flowers.

⑭ I am in front of the Banana Republic.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み