(521) Merci style ladybug’s samba 

文字数 1,119文字

The rainy season has ended, and the days have been scorching.

In this chapter, I'll tell you about the time before the rainy season ended. Since there was nowhere to go for a walk due to the continuous rain, we went to Ami's outlet mall.

This time I tried wearing a ladybug costume. Don’t you think this outfit suits me?

① We’ve arrived at Ami's outlet mall.

② I’ve turned into a ladybug.

③ The costume has a hood.

④ The rain has blown in, and some parts of the floor are a little wet.

⑤ I thought, "Oh, there's a dog in the store!" But it was a stuffed animal.

⑥ I’ll continue my walk.

⑦ This store allows dogs. It's a pet supplies store.

⑧ I’ve come out of the pet supplies store.

⑨ I'm in front of the store.

⑩ I’ll continue to walk. I tried putting my hood on.

⑪ The hood is twisted, and I can't see in front of me.

⑫ Dad fixed the twist, but I still couldn't see in front of me.

⑬ Mom lifted my hood up a little and I was finally able to see what was in front of me.

⑭ I feel a little better.

⑮ The hood went back to its original position.

⑯ I don't think I can use this hood.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み