(507) Hydrangeas near the Plum Grove 

文字数 1,832文字

When you go to Mt. Tsukuba, you can see hydrangeas planted along the Mt. Tsukuba cable car (about 500 plants) and near the Mt. Tsukuba plum grove (about 1,000 plants).

I ‘ve never ridden a cable car. This is because we dogs have to stay in cages on the cable car. I don't think I can see the hydrangeas very well from inside the cage.

So, we went to see the hydrangeas near the plum grove since I don't have to be in a cage.

First, we headed for the pavilion. Hydrangeas were planted along the boardwalk leading to the pavilion. I was able to see the plum grove from the pavilion, but I couldn't see the hydrangeas.

A little further on, some hydrangeas were blooming on the steep slope along the road around the plum grove.

After that, I walked along the road and saw more hydrangeas.

① You can see a pavilion in the upper right. We’re heading there.

② We’ve entered the boardwalk. Some hydrangeas are blooming.

③ The boardwalk is shaking a little like a suspension bridge, so I feel uneasy.

④ A lot of hydrangeas are blooming along the boardwalk.

⑤ I've gotten used to the boardwalk and am progressing energetically.

⑥ Looking down from the boardwalk, I can see hydrangeas.

⑦ We’ll continue walking.

⑧ The pavilion is close.

⑨ I'm at the pavilion.

⑩ All I can see from here is the plum grove.

⑪ We’ve decided to go back along the boardwalk and walk along the road.

⑫ I can see the boardwalk.

⑬ We’ll go back along the boardwalk.

⑭ It's getting hot, and my tongue is sticking out.

⑮ There are more hydrangea flowers along the road.

⑯ We’ll continue along the road.

⑰ Dad is looking for a good place to take photos.

⑱ These hydrangeas are incredibly beautiful.

⑲ Dad has found a good spot for taking photos.

⑳ I am in front of hydrangeas.

㉑ This is the photo spot.

㉒ Dad took some good photos, so we went back to the parking lot.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み