(523) A park with a Showa atmosphere 

文字数 2,339文字

(※Showa era is from Dec.25,1926 to Jan.7, 1989.)

The playground equipment at the park I often visit has been replaced with new equipment. Old equipment is dangerous if broken, so it must be replaced with new equipment.

Heavy rotating playground equipment is prone to accidents, so the old "rotating jungle gym(回転型ジャングルジム)", "playing sticks (遊動円木)" and "box swings (箱型ブランコ)" have been removed and are almost gone.

(※Yudoenboku (遊動円木) is an exercise device in which a log is hung low to the ground by iron chains and swung back and forth, allowing people to walk across it. It is said to be useful for developing a sense of balance and perception.)

In the future, as the equipment is updated, the number of rotating playground equipment is expected to decrease.

The scenery of parks with a Showa-era atmosphere is becoming a thing of the past.

However, to my surprise, there are still places in Tsukuba City where the scenery of Showa era children's parks remains.

In a few years, the old playground equipment will be gone, so I asked Dad to take some photos of outdated playing equipment.

In addition, old playground equipment can be used without any problems as long as it is well maintained and not used recklessly. There is no absolutely safe playground equipment, including new equipment, so please play carefully.

① This is the recent slide at Kenkyu Gakuen Ekimae Park. It’s colorful and modern.

② We've arrived at a park which has an atmosphere of the Showa era.

③ You can see a panda-shaped ride, a spinning play equipment, and a horizontal bar.

④ I tried riding the panda-shaped ride. Dad is holding me with his hands so that I don't fall off.

⑤ This is a photo of me riding the ride.

⑥ This is a spinning play equipment with chairs. Do you happen to know the name of this equipment?

⑦ It is “Spinning Happy”.

⑧ I am on the Spinning Happy.

⑨ It looks like it will spin.

⑩ This is a box-shaped swing. These types of swings have now been removed and very few remain. It is dangerous to swing too hard, so be careful.

⑪ I am on the box-shaped swing.

⑫ This is an old-fashioned slide.

⑬ I am on the slide.

⑭ This is an outdated swing.

⑮ The chair of the slide is too small for me to ride.

⑯ I am in front of a log in the sandbox.

⑰ This concludes my introduction to this children’s park with a Showa era atmosphere.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み